Mr Angus Don is a New Zealand trained orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the surgical and non-surgical management of cervical and lumbar spine conditions.
As well as being in private practice Mr Angus Don is also an orthopaedic and spinal surgeon at Auckland City Hospital.

MB ChB 1997 Auckland; FRACS (Orth) 2006
Having completed his training in New Zealand, Angus spent considerable time in America where he was working as a Visiting Assistant Professor in spinal surgery at Stanford University. Prior to this he undertook spinal fellowships in Hong Kong and Auckland. He recently received the North American Spine Society’s Outstanding Paper Award.
Angus is happy to see any orthopaedic referrals including fractures, general orthopaedic consults and spinal patients.
Surgical and non-surgical management of cervical and lumbar spine conditions
Post-fellowship Training
Spinal Fellow, Auckland City Hospital
Spinal Fellow, Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital, Hong Kong
Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University Medical Center, California, USA
2008 – present
Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon, Auckland City Hospital
Journal Articles
Painful Lumbosacral Melorheostosis treated by Fusion
Peter A Robertson, Angus S Don, Mary V Miller
Spine. 2003 Jun 15;28(12):E234-8
Facet joint orientation in spondylolysis and isthmic spondylolisthesis.
Angus S. Don, Peter A. Robertson
J Spinal Disord Tech. 2008 Apr;21(2):112-5
A brief overview of evidence-informed management of chronic low back pain with surgery
Don AS, Carragee EJ
Spine J. 2008 Jan-Feb;8(1):258-65
Anatomic Determination Of Optimal Entry Point And Direction For C1 Lateral Mass Screw Placement
Blagg S, Don AS, Robertson PA
J Spinal Disord Tech. 2009 Jun;22(4):233-9
Selection Of Fusion Levels In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Using Fulcrum Bending Prediction – A Prospective Study
Keith D Luk; Angus S Don; Chee S Chong; Yat W Wong; Kenneth M Cheung
Spine. 2008 Sep 15;33(20):2192-8.
Validity of Self-Reported History in Patients with Persistent Axial Pain following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Don AS, Carragee EJ
Spine J. 2009 Jan-Feb;9(1):4-12
Does discography cause accelerated progression of degenerative changes in the lumbar disc: A ten-year cohort-controlled study
Carragee EJ, Don AS, Hurwitz E, Cuellar J, Carrino J, Herzog R
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Book Chapters
The Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
Chapter 15: Provocative Discography
Carragee EJ, Don AS
The Textbook of Spinal Surgery, Third Edition
Chapter 43, The Use Of Discography To Evaluate Lumbar Back Pin With An
Eye Towards Surgical Treatment
Eugene Carragee, Angus S Don
Evidence-Based Management of Low Back Pain – In Print
Chapter 30, Fusion Surgery and Disc Arthoplasty
Eugene Carragee, Angus S Don
Presentations and Posters – International Meetings
Facet joint orientation in spondylolysis and isthmic spondylolisthesis. Don AS, Robertson PA [2006]
ISSLS – Special Poster; Bergen, Norway
Australian Spine Society – Podium Presentation; Sydney, Australia
A prospective, Multi-centered Validation Study Examining the critical Examining the Critical Elements of a patients Self Reported History Following a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Judged Against an Audit of their Records [2008]
A. Don, E Carragee
ISSLS – Podium Presentation; Geneva, Switzerland
NASS – Podium Presentation; Toronto, Canada
North American Spine Society Outstanding Paper award [2008]
Validity of Self-Reported History in Patients with Persistent Axial Pain following a Motor Vehicle Accident
Don AS, Carragee EJ
International Society for the Lumbar Spine Award [2009]
Does discography cause accelerated progression of degenerative changes in the lumbar disc: A ten-year cohort-controlled study
Carragee EJ, Don AS, Hurwitz E, Cuellar J, Carrino J, Herzog R